Massage Therapist in Los Gatos

Vita Massage

A National Board Certified Massage Therapist, a graduate from National Holistic Institute, renowned College of Massage Therapy, and a member of the American Massage Therapy Association.

Certified Massage Therapist in Los Gatos

“I believe that a great massage session results from the combinations of genuine intentions, knowledge, and this unique healing touch that defines each Massage Therapist.”

“I help my clients alleviate lower back pain, neck and shoulders pain, rotator cuff issues, tension headaches. Massage rejuvenates overused muscles and helps you to eliminate the stress accumulated in your body.”

Massage Services & Pricing

  • It is a classic massage that will ease your stress and allow you to slip into a calm state of relaxation.

    120$ - 190$

  • Deep Tissue Massage is a form of bodywork that aims to relieve tension in the deeper layers of tissue in the body.


  • Recommended for active people who want to enhance performance or work on specific muscle groups.


  • MLD is a gentle treatment technique that improves the activity of the lymph vessels, promotes detoxification process, strengthens the immune system.


  • A couples massage gives the two of you an opportunity to experience massage together in the same area as one massage therapist works on each person.


  • Customized therapy session aiming to address different issues, such as Lower Back and Sciatica pain, Rotator Cuff issues, Tension headaches, Injuries rehabilitation, etc.


What Happy Clients Say

Get in Touch with Me


To Shedule an Appointment, Click Here

Opening Hours

Telephone: (408) 431-3399


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