Got questions about massage? Find all the answers you need right here in the FAQ section!

Frequently Asked Question

 Massage Myths Busted: Your FAQs Answered!

  • You can schedule an appointment by contacting me directly via phone, making an online booking through the provided link, or using the contact form on the website.

    Additionally, you can also email me to request an appointment.

  • There are very few instances where massage is not recommended, known as total contraindications. This includes being under the influence of alcohol, experiencing a cold/flu/fever, diarrhea or vomiting, or having a contagious skin infection. Additionally, 'local contraindications' affect specific areas of the body, such as cuts, bruises, or areas of injury, which will be avoided during the massage. Severe medical conditions like heart problems, respiratory issues, cancer, or epilepsy may require medical approval from your GP before receiving a massage.

    Please note that these conditions are provided for indication only. If you're uncertain whether any of these conditions apply to you, please contact me to ensure the treatment is suitable for you.

  • The frequency of massages depends on various factors, including your physical condition, mental and emotional well-being, as well as your circumstances and budget.

    While once a week is considered ideal, I understand that this may not be feasible for everyone. However, even committing to a monthly massage can lead to noticeable improvements in your physical health and stress levels. Ultimately, it's about finding a schedule that works best for you and your needs.

  • Everyone's tolerance for pressure varies; some prefer deep tissue massage, while others find gentle, soothing massage more relaxing. What feels appropriate for one client may feel painful or too light for another.

    Your therapist will employ various techniques, some of which delve deeper into muscle tissue than others.

    It's essential to communicate with your therapist about your objectives and pressure preferences and provide feedback on any discomfort during your treatment. While massage should never be painful, you may experience some discomfort if deep tissue techniques are applied to tight or overworked muscles.

  • During your massage, your therapist will ensure you're comfortable and may adjust your position as needed. Feel free to change positions to maximize your comfort. Some clients prefer to close their eyes and relax fully, while others may choose to engage in conversation. It's perfectly normal to drift in and out of sleep during the session, indicating deep relaxation. Rest assured, your body will still benefit from the massage even if you fall asleep. Your therapist will gently wake you at the end of the treatment, so you can relax without worrying about nodding off.

  • You can disrobe to the level of your comfort, you can keep the underwear or take it off, it's up to you.

    What you wear to and from the treatment doesn't matter.

    Remember to remove all jewelry before your treatment.

  • It's advisable to avoid eating for at least 90 minutes before your massage appointment, and even then, opt for a light meal.

    The reason for this is that the body requires time to digest food properly. Just like before swimming or exercising, allowing time for digestion prevents discomfort during your massage. When you eat, blood flow is directed to your digestive tract, but massage therapy draws blood flow to the muscles being worked on, potentially causing discomfort and hindering digestion.

  • Absolutely! A skilled massage therapist will regularly check in with you during your session to ensure the pressure is comfortable for you.

    It's important to remember that massage doesn't have to be painful to be effective. Many techniques can be quite gentle. However, feel free to communicate your preferences to your therapist. Whether you'd like more or less pressure, don't hesitate to speak up—I am here to ensure you have the best experience possible, and your feedback is always welcome!

  • It's perfectly normal to drift off during a massage, especially if you're feeling stressed or sleep-deprived. If you happen to snore, don't worry—there's absolutely no judgment from us. I am just glad to see you're relaxed enough to fall asleep.

    Drooling can also happen, especially if you're lying face down. Just let me know, and I will happily provide you with a tissue.

    Your comfort is my priority, and I want you to feel at ease throughout your session.

  • It's best to reschedule your appointment if you're feeling unwell. Getting a massage while you're sick can potentially worsen your symptoms, and there's a risk of spreading the illness to your therapist and other clients. Even if it's less than 24 hours before your appointment, I encourage you to let us know as soon as possible so I can arrange for a new time that's more suitable for you.

    Your health and well-being are my top priority.

  • Speak up!

    While your therapist is intuitive, he is not a mind-reader. Always communicate if you require more or less pressure, if you're feeling too hot or too cold, or if you need to take a restroom break.

    Your comfort is my priority.

  • Contrary to the saying "no pain, no gain," massage therapy doesn't have to be painful to be effective. While deep tissue massage may offer benefits in certain situations, your body may respond better to moderate or gentle pressure at other times. Ultimately, it's important to listen to your body and choose the massage technique that feels best for you.

  • Plan to have 30 minutes of quiet time immediately following your treatment.

    Taking an Epsom salt bath is highly recommended to soothe and calm your muscles, enhancing the benefits of the massage. This can help alleviate any stiffness you may feel the next day, similar to its use after workouts.

    Additionally, remember to stay hydrated by drinking water to keep your tissues hydrated.

If your question remains unanswered, don't hesitate to contact me directly via phone or email. Alternatively, you can submit your inquiry through the convenient contact form on my website.